We’re celebrating New Zealand Football’s Girls and Women’s Week with a FREE event especially for girls, aged 4-14 years.
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Maidstone Park Turf
Are you and your friends seeking a safe and supportive environment to play football? Then join us and others like you, for girls only skills sessions and fun games.
Go on, give it a go – and bring your friends too!
Upper Hutt City Football has a motivated and dedicated volunteer base that is committed to female development, and the growth of the beautiful game. If you’re keen to play, coach, referee, administer or offer your support we’d love to hear from you. Whatever your goal or starting point, we will encourage you to find ways to develop skills, grow your confidence, be active – and enjoy your football.
Please email Belinda Warrington, Junior and Youth Football Development Manager (Girls) before 4 March 2020:
Include name and age of player so we can co-ordinate activities with peer groups. And remember, this is a FREE event 🙂