Annual General Meeting 2017

  • Post category:Club

Upper Hutt City Football / Tararua Sports Club invites all current and prospective members to our Annual General Meeting.

Thursday 7 December 2017

Maidstone Park Clubrooms

Please join us to review the past season and hear first hand from chairman Jamie Wood about our plans for building on this year’s success.


Members are invited to submit remits for consideration to Club Secretary, Brian Wood, no later than Tuesday, 5th December.


We are inviting nominations for the following roles:

– Treasurer
– Secretary
– Women’s Club Captain
– Men’s Club Captain


Want to lend a hand but not join the Committee? Please let us know! Some assistance in these areas would be very much appreciated:

– Bar Manager
– Kitchen Manager
– Trophy Steward
– Liaison Team Wellington/ Phoenix/ Capital Football
– Liaison Upper Hutt Leader
– Grant Returns
– Matchday programme

If you are interested in any of these roles, or would like more info, please contact Club Chairman Jamie Wood on 021 281 7671.

WANTED: volunteers for the FUN committee.

We’re particularly keen to hear from our youth players (from men’s and women’s teams) who can work together to come up with ideas and organise 2-3 social events throughout the season. Come along to the AGM and let us know if you’re interested.


Attendance at the AGM is absolutely the best way to have your say and to find out what is going on at your favourite football club. Don’t be a stranger! We’d love to see you there.

Upper Hutt City Football
Executive Committee