Like our new website?

Hi team!

Like the new look? We’ve refreshed our website as our previous platform had to be retired.

You’ll see: 

  • a unified club nav menu and ‘go-direct-to’ footer,
  • a more usable calendar that can be categorised visually,
  • we’ve kept the last 5 years worth of news items,
  • downloadable PDFs are now simply webpages – more are to be converted over time: like the junior handbook
  • all news is one place and is searchable by tags (eg juniors, womens or all-of-club)
  • maintaining mens, womens and junior landing pages displaying only content tagged to that section (eg news is auto-filtered to only show mens items on the mens page.)
  • quick links to popular content are on the homepage
  • a new coaching / referee section will be added to over time
  • photo galleries have been saved and are being reworked for display though not all appearing yet. (5GB and hundreds of photos is a BIG job).

The site’s still a work-in-progress and if you spot a gap, please help us to fill it.

What’s missing?
Can you find what you need?
Improvements you like?

We’re setting up a small team to regularly add the latest info to this website. Check back soon as we build towards 2019.

I welcome ALL feedback – get in touch with me at


James Lamb
UHCF junior communications and part-time web-geek!