July school holiday programme 2018

  • Post category:Juniors

Burn energy and keep the football spirit alive during the school holidays: a great opportunity to practice and improve skills early in the football season, please book early to secure your place. Get active during the school holidays with New Zealand Football’s action-packed holiday programme for kids!  

For boys and girls turning 8 to 13 this year – from total beginners to committed young players.  

Our school holiday programme is part of New Zealand Football’s junior player development plan. Each session includes skill-based training, so kids can learn the tricks and techniques to become better players and plenty of game time in a fun environment. It’s led by our junior director of coaching Pedro Garcias.  

Monday 9 to Thursday 12 July 2018 8:30am to 2:30pm 
At St. Patricks College (Old Gym)*, Silverstream 
For boys and girls turning 8-13 this year   
Costs: $30/day or $100/week (for all 4 days in the week)   

To register:
Login to MyCOMET for your player – click “register” on the left hand side menu click through to page 2  choose each day (or the one option of all four) with the green plus symbols click “proceed to checkout” and make payment.   

* PLEASE NOTE: We are running this programme in the Old Gym at St Patricks College in Silverstream. We are required to advise you that this building has been assessed against the NZ New Building Standards; which are more stringent now than when many existing buildings were constructed. The Old Gym building falls short of the current building standards and the College have been instructed to put up signs advising that this building could be at risk in the event of an earthquake, and that persons enter at their own risk. The college is still using the facility with the appropriate warning notices in place. The UHCF Junior Club Captain and Director of Football believe that the College has taken the correct steps to advise users of their facilities of the risk presented and we are comfortable proceeding on this basis with the programme. Should you not feel comfortable with this arrangement then we advise you not to register your child in this UHCF School Holiday Programme on this occasion. 

Contact Pedro Garcias, junior director of coaching
pedro@upperhuttcityfootball.org.nz or 027 457 0770