UHCF July School Holiday Programme

  • Post category:Juniors

Our popular holiday programme returns immediately after Easter – and is a great opportunity to practice and improve skills early in the football season, please book early to secure your place. 

Get active during the school holidays with New Zealand Football’s action-packed holiday programme for kids!

For boys and girls playing in 8th to 13th grade this year – from total beginners to committed young players.

Upper Hutt City Football Club’s School Holiday Programme is part of New Zealand Football’s junior player development plan. Each session includes skill-based training, so kids can learn the tricks and techniques to become better players and plenty of game time in a fun environment.

It’s led by our junior director of coaching Pedro Garcias.

Monday 10 to Thursday 13 July 2017 
8:30am to 2:30pm 
At St. Patricks College (Old Gym), Silverstream 
For 8th -13th grade players (boys and girls) 

Costs $30/day or $100/week (for all 4 days in the week – you need to register in advance for this discounted rate) 

>> Register and pay online here. <<